Net Control Duties


                          SUN               MON           TUES          WED           THURS           FRI                SAT

NCS:              K7IZ               K7GH        KE5PZ         KJ7YYI         KE5PZ          KF7GC           K7OED

ALT NCS:    KE5PZ           KF7GC       KF7GC        KE5PZ          W7EXL         KE5PZ           KF7GC






  1. ALWAYS knows what time it is, and begins the net on time.

  2. Is at his/her operating position and has a pad of paper and several pens/pencils on hand, a blank copy of a radiogram, handling instructions, and the ARRL Numbered radiograms numbers. And, an updated copy of the call roster.     Do take a few minutes before the net to relax.

  3. Calls for and obtains a signal report before starting the net.

     (This tells the NCS that his/her gear is operating properly and provides an indication as to current band conditions.

  4. Knows propagation patterns for the bands and time of day, etc.  Check other net frequencies to send other stations to pass traffic. We have been using 3977.7 3983 or 3992 to 3998. 

     (If the band is “long” establishes contact with a distant net station and asks if he/she is available for relay.

  5. A good NCS is aware of the time and is mindful of other stations standing by or “holding”.

  6. Stations checking in says his/her call sign, traffic status,and location.  (NO ONE, is so famous, that everyone else knows who or where you are!)  Make them use their call signs

7. NCS acknowledges a check in by saying the call sign and location of the station.  (For the benefit of others who may not hear the other station.)

  8. During a net using tactical call signs is good practice.  The name of the station’s location or some other designator is appropriate. We do not use them that much, however if we mobilize for an emergency, we would be using them.

      Example: the NCS may say: “ Phoenix station”,  Go ahead.”

  9. NCS keeps a clock in front of him/her and says his/her call sign at least every ten minutes.

10. Says the name of the net periodically.  Example:  “This is the “Arizona Traffic and Emergency Net”, Stations checking back into the net will use their SUFFIX

11. NCS never leaves anyone “hanging”.  Use of a note pad will eliminate this frequent deficiency.  If the net is busy, be sure to ask a calling station if they can stand-by before saying “stand-by” or “wait”.  (Maybe they can’t!)  Allow them to reply “affirmative” or “negative”.

12. Never talk while eating or chewing gum…


“Doubling” happens far too often…it slows down a net and lets everyone listening know what kind of operator(s) you really are.

Good operators make it clear to whom they are turning the frequency over to.  (Use the proword “OVER”.)

Good listeners pay attention so they never have to ask:  “Did you turn it to me?”  (Often over another signal.)


1 – “WA7HYM (the station it is going to), WA7HYM (from), OVER”.  Works every time!

2 – (In “tactical speak”)  ” Lincoln School  shelter,  (this is) Net Control, OVER”.

3 – “All net stations stand-by.  Maritime mobile, say your call sign, name of vessel, and location.  This is WA7HYM  OVER.”


Experienced operators know that the quickest route between two points is not always a straight line.  Often in a net situation two close(r) stations are unable to contact each other.  Often a distant relay must be used.  Astute net control operators must be aware of this factor.  The distant station acts as an alternate NCS.  As each station checks in the alternate NCS acknowledges each station by saying the call sign and location.  Since the (primary) NCS can hear the relay, he/she makes in entry in the net log DON’T DO WHAT (SOME) OTHERS DO!  SET THE STANDARD FOR GOOD NET OPERATIONS!

13.    NCS is the manager, supervisor, tutor, mentor and facilitator.

14.    Make sure you get the traffic routed as soon as possible.  Try and get stations to handle the traffic. They can use cell phones and deliver a message from anywhere, or they may find an outlet on a 2 meter network.  These are some of the common options you may propose.

15.    New comers may very well appreciate a warm welcome. Let them know the net manager is usually standing by after the net for information about the net, or direct them to the ATEN website at

16.    NCS should learn to leave a pause between transactions to offer tail ending opportunities for stations checking back in. Don’t be in such a hurry.

17.    NCS job is a leadership role, and experienced traffic handlers will respond very well to good leadership. Customary practices will help the net flow smoothly.

18.    Avoid extraneous words, an example is, thinking out loud. Check the ATEN website at for more info on this. “TRAINING TIPS”

19.    Dealing with improper conduct or techniques:  If a station persists in interrupting, go ahead and handle him or her even if it is out of order and put the matter to rest.

20.    Your best bet is to run the net in a courteous and efficient manor. Everyone respects an NCS running a net in that fashion. This will also discourage confrontations and rudeness.

21.    Try and not comment on tuner-uppers. Use your Notch filter and continue like they are not there.

22.    On closing the net, make sure that there is no one else who want to speak. Sometimes we are too fast on the mic to close and we miss other opportunities.

23.    Remember our goal is to practice to be ready for any and all emergencies that may come upon us. Try and be available for all the training sessions and emergency drills.

24.   Try and get the out of State traffic passed first before local traffic.

25    Also try and spread out the Out of State Traffic among all the Liasions.

26.   Try and get stations to take the traffic for their areas if possible, if not, then any volunteer can take it.

27.    Finally, if you have to miss your assigned net duty, please contact the net manager and advise him or her as soon as possible.